Leadgate Christmas Tree 2017

Back in Januray 2017 at the Task Force Meeting one of the projects we decided to take on was bring back to the village the Christmas Tree that many of the residents had sorely missed over the years.

This was not an easy task and despite having 11 months to get things ready, it was not an easy task. There were questions to be answered such as:
  • The best site for the Tree
  • Power supply
  • Procurement of the tree and lights
  • Setting a date that was free in a busy Xmas period
By far the most contrivsial question was the siting, the last time the village had a Christmas tree it was placed in the Gap on Front Street, we did seriously look and using that once again but we were unable to overcome the problems of Power Supply and Security.

Our next option was to approx Leadgate Cricket Club to see if they would allow us to site it on their property where it would be easier to overcome the two major problems of the Front Street location, and at the same time that location was very close to the last major event in the village, the opening of the New Road that replaced Leadgate Bridge on the 9th December 2016.

The third option that we explored was Durham Road near the War Memorial, on deeper investigation of how to achieve that site it was obvious that it not only inherited the problems of Front Street but had the added problem of being concrete.

After approaching LCC chairman they agreed that we could use their land.

On Saturday the 25th of November all was ready for the great switch on, the Leadgate Salvation Army band played carols and Santa himself put in an appearance to help keep those who had turned out on a freezing evening entertained. Sadly at this point the power generator refused to come to life and despite the best efforts of many people, both members of the Task Force and those from other village organisations, we had to abandon the lights for 24 hrs.

While everyone took refuge in the Cricket Club we all thawed out and held our very successful Christmas Raffle, at the same time the helpful elves continued to try and get life from the generator.

Please click on the link below to see the post on behalf of the Task Force Chairman thanking all who aided the Task Force through the difficulties with the power situation.


David Lavery
Media Editor


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