Welcome to Leadgate Task Force Blog
Leadgate Task Force Welcome to our new Community Blog Leadgate Task Force has been active in the village community for over one year it was however, formally set up in January 2017, with the aim of improving our village for all who reside here. Through our projects we have managed to deal with local concerns about the village environment : Flora and Fauna Gardening Clean up events Social Events During 2017 the task force have had many sucessfull projects including: Big Spring Clean Sustrans Clean of the C2C in Leadgate A social evening in Leadgate Cricket and Social Club featuring Local Guitar and Vocalist Michael Kelly Shop Local Campaign St Ives Project to clean up and uncover the plot where Stillborn infants were buried We hope to build on these achievement in the rest of 2017 and forward into 2018 We have also created and host 2 websites : LeadgateTask Force Leadgate Information Site We are now busy working...